OTC2023 (Offshore Technology Conference) is around the corner!
We would like to thank our distributors in North America for their great assistance in promotion, and help us to grasp the local market demand through online meetings in recent years!
With the opening of international flights, THT-EX seizes every opportunity to have face-to-face contact with customers and discuss more lighting issues in hazardous areas and high-temperature applications.
Of course, we’ll not miss this year's OTC exhibition too! Our team is going to present the latest North American UL844 certified explosion-proof LED lights, and provide the best lighting solutions.
Welcome to join us at " THT-EX booth No.3607 "! And learn about the latest innovations, technological advance in the field of explosion-proof & high-temperature area illumination.
●Exhibition Floorplan: https://exhibits.otcnet.org/OTC2023/Public/eventmap.aspx?shMode=E&shExhList=1&ID=30124&sortMenu=106000
